

team member
Prof. CHING Pak-Chung

Research Professor
Director, Shun Hing Institute of Advanced Engineering

Research Interests:

  • Adaptive Digital Signal Processing
  • Blind Signal Estimation and Separation
  • Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Speaker Identification/Verification and Speech Synthesis
  • Advanced Signal Processing techniques for Wireless Communications

team member
Prof. KONG Qiuqiang

Assistant Professor

Research Interests:

  • Audio / Music Signal Processing and Generation
  • Computer Audition
  • Spatial Audio
  • Multi-modality Signal Processing

team member
Prof. LEE Tan

Associate Dean, Faculty of Engineering

Research Interests:

  • Automatic Speech Recognition
  • Text-to-speech Synthesis
  • Speech Prosody and Speech Applications
  • Speech Signal Processing
  • Spoken Language Technologies
  • Multimedia Information Retrieval
  • Hearing and Speaking Assistive and Rehabilitation Technologies

team member
Prof. MA Wing-Kin, Ken


Research Interests:

  • Signal Processing (SP) and Communications, with a recent emphasis on optimization
  • MIMO communication and interference management techniques
  • Blind Signal Processing Theory and Applications to Speech Separation
  • image Separation and Hyperspectral Unmixing

team member
Prof. SOONG, K. Frank

Adjunct Professor
Principal Researcher and Speech Group Manager, Microsoft Research Asia (Beijing)

Research Interests:

  • Speech and language technologies
  • Speech signal processing

team member
Prof. WONG Kon, Max

Adjunct Professor
Professor Emeritus, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, McMaster University

Research Interests:

  • Signal processing and communications

team member
Prof. XIA Xiang-Gen

Adjunct Professor
Charles Black Evans Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Delaware

Research Interests:

  • Signal processing and communications

team member
Prof. WANG Shi-Yuan, William

Adjunct Professor
Chair Professor, Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, The HK Polytechnic University

Research Interests:

  • Computational Linguistics
  • Language & Evolution


team member

Research Interests:

  • Signal Processing for Communication

team member
LI Jingyu

Ph.D. Student

Research Interests:

  • Speech processing

team member

Research Interests:

  • Signal processing

team member

Research Interests:

  • Signal processing

team member

Research Interests:

  • Speech processing

team member

Ph.D. Student

Research Interests:

  • Signal processing

team member
TAO Dehua

Ph.D. Student

Research Interests:

  • Speech processing

team member

Research Interests:

  • Speech processing

team member

Research Interests:

  • Speech Processing

team member

Research Interests:

  • Speech Processing


team member
DAI Zheqi

Research Assistant

Research Interests:

  • Codec

team member
LI Tsz Yeung

Research Assistant

Research Interests:

  • Voice Processing

team member
YIN Yongtai

Research Assistant

Research Interests:

  • Signal Processing



  • Prof. Li Qiang 利強, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China


  • Prof. CHIEN Jen-Tzung 簡仁宗, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  • Dr. DING Huijun 丁慧君, Biomedical Engineering, Shenzhen University
  • Prof. KONG Jiangping 孔江平, Peking University, Beijing
  • Prof. KONG Pak Hin Anthony 江柏軒, University of Central Florida, USA
  • Prof. LEE Yuet-Sheung, Kathy 李月裳, Speech Therapy Division, CUHK
  • Dr. LEUNG Cheung-Chi, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
  • Dr. LI Haizhou 李海洲, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
  • Dr. LIANG Faya 梁发雅, 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院(中山二院)耳鼻喉头颈外科
  • Dr. MA Bin, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
  • Prof. MIXDORFF Hansjörg, Beuth-Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Germany
  • Prof. NG Manwa Lawrence 吳民華, Speech and Hearing Science, University of Hong Kong
  • Prof. SO Man-Cho Anthony 蘇文藻, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK
  • Prof. TANG Wai Lan, Gladys 鄧慧蘭, Linguistics and Modern Languages, CUHK
  • Dr. WANG Lan 王嵐, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, China
  • Dr. YANG Yi-Hsuan 楊奕軒, Music and Audio Computing (MAC) Lab, Academia Sinica, Taipei
  • Dr. ZHANG Wei 張偉, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
  • Prof. ZHENG Yiqing 郑亿庆, 中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院(中山二院)耳鼻喉头颈外科